Friday, May 29, 2009

Where's my wallet?

A day after my project launch, when we were done with most of the work, we decided to chill out and headed to eat out. We had been indoors since morning and hence wanted to breathe some fresh air. So we went out in search of a place with a patio. The thought of celebrating the project launch on a chilly evening around the hill away from the hustle bustle of the city was so refreshing.

After wandering around a few places, we decided to go to a Mexican restaurant. This place has an impressive ambience and is well known for its Magaritas. We had an amazing time at the restaurant and the food was delicious. We then headed towards home to catch a good night's sleep.

The next day, I was heading out to buy some groceries and just then I realized my wallet was missing! I searched my bag and the entire house for it but couldn't find it. This is so weird since I generally never ever carry my wallet anywhere instead I stash some cash and all my cards in my denims. But last night I had taken my wallet, God knows why?

My friends and me then retraced all the places I had been to last night. The only place I could have misplaced the wallet was my client's car or the restaurant. And guess what? I had no idea of the name of the restaurant we had been to neither I had any clue of its location. But my client should know, so I called him up. I tried many times but he wasn't picking up his phone. Gosh! I could feel my pulse racing. How could I be so careless?

What may have seemed like an futile attempt, we started a desperate attempt to zero down the name of a Mexican restaurant with the help of Google. The list was endless as the only clue I had was the name of the town. We scanned through pages and pages of restaurant listings with no luck. When we had almost given up to fate, I spotted a restaurant which sounded like the one we had been to. Without sparing a minute, I grabbed the phone number of that place, and dialled. Yes, it was the same place I had been to. But the guy who picked up the phone had no clue about any wallet, and he suggested that I should called up after a few hours when the manager gets in.

I called up after a few hours, and yeah! they did find my wallet! What an relief! Phew!


  1. All's well that ends well

  2. wah.....gr8...u never told me this story u remember d time when u lost ur wallet in d bus n got it back!!!u r a lucky gurl!!!*touch wood* :)
