Thursday, October 22, 2009

Diwali...Away from Home

This is the second Diwali in a row which I am spending away from home. It makes me wonder sometimes "Is all this worth it compared to what we are missing?" "Are we hurting our family by being away?" Probably we are. I cannot imagine how it must feel to see a family member move away. It would create a void that you will experience in every nook and corner of the house, which deepens every moment and which nothing else seems to fill.

Diwali means so much for each of us in India. Diwali is when there are colors and lights everywhere, Diwali is when the air is full of aroma from the delicacies cooking in every house, Diwali is when you visit all your relatives and friends, Diwali is when your cell phone is stormed with texts from everyone you know, Diwali is when you shop for like crazy, Diwali is when you sleep in the bustle of fireworks and wake up with them, Diwali is when there is happiness and excitment in everyone around. Well, I have missed every moment of this bliss for 2 years now. This when I truly want to be at home with everyone.

My Diwali started with a hectic day of work and to add to it, a critical production issue. Finally, I managed to leave office at 8 only to find myself all alone for the rest of the night. It was pretty depressing. The next day wasn't that bad though. We met some friends, went for shopping and also attended an office get together.That was all for Diwali 2009.

Hopefully, I will spend the next Diwali at home.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Tired of routine, I was thinking of trying out something new. Just then, thought of baking something. We have an oven in our apartment, but had never used it. Neither did I know, how to operate it.

So started with pulling up the operating manual for the oven from the Internet. After figuring out the basic baking steps, me and my roomie went out to buy a cake mix. Picked up a Hershey's choco-walnut brownie mix and a baking tray from the near by department store.

I was all excited about baking a cake for the first time, given that I am just an amateur cook and cakes are not the easiest thing to make. With my fingers crossed, I prepared the mix and started the oven.

After about an hour, my apartment was clouded with the aroma of fresh yummy brownies. I was delighted to see them come out perfectly.
Yes, the brownies were perfect! Operation successful! :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Where's my wallet?

A day after my project launch, when we were done with most of the work, we decided to chill out and headed to eat out. We had been indoors since morning and hence wanted to breathe some fresh air. So we went out in search of a place with a patio. The thought of celebrating the project launch on a chilly evening around the hill away from the hustle bustle of the city was so refreshing.

After wandering around a few places, we decided to go to a Mexican restaurant. This place has an impressive ambience and is well known for its Magaritas. We had an amazing time at the restaurant and the food was delicious. We then headed towards home to catch a good night's sleep.

The next day, I was heading out to buy some groceries and just then I realized my wallet was missing! I searched my bag and the entire house for it but couldn't find it. This is so weird since I generally never ever carry my wallet anywhere instead I stash some cash and all my cards in my denims. But last night I had taken my wallet, God knows why?

My friends and me then retraced all the places I had been to last night. The only place I could have misplaced the wallet was my client's car or the restaurant. And guess what? I had no idea of the name of the restaurant we had been to neither I had any clue of its location. But my client should know, so I called him up. I tried many times but he wasn't picking up his phone. Gosh! I could feel my pulse racing. How could I be so careless?

What may have seemed like an futile attempt, we started a desperate attempt to zero down the name of a Mexican restaurant with the help of Google. The list was endless as the only clue I had was the name of the town. We scanned through pages and pages of restaurant listings with no luck. When we had almost given up to fate, I spotted a restaurant which sounded like the one we had been to. Without sparing a minute, I grabbed the phone number of that place, and dialled. Yes, it was the same place I had been to. But the guy who picked up the phone had no clue about any wallet, and he suggested that I should called up after a few hours when the manager gets in.

I called up after a few hours, and yeah! they did find my wallet! What an relief! Phew!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Project launch - The night of the Finale...

After months and months of turmoil, my project was due to be launched on May 16. What initially seemed like a cake walk turned into a nightmare due to some goof up at the eleventh hour. At the night of the launch, we were stalled for almost 2 hours having nothing much to do other than wait for the things to come back on track. So we decided to venture out. It was 11 pm already and coincidentally the opening night for "Angels and Demons". All of us wanted to watch this movie, but could we do that at this moment when our project launch was at stake?
Sounds crazy right!

After debating for a while, we all decided to rush out and catch the movie. Trust me, this is one of the craziest things I have ever done.

I was not sure that I would understand the movie given that I had not read the novel. But the movie turned out to be great especially since we were watching it on its opening night in Hollywood.

The movie turned out to be longer than expected and once it was over, we had to rush back for the project launch. It took us the entire night and the whole of next day to complete the launch. Phew! What an achievement! I feel so relieved.

As they say, "All's well that ends well"

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Zahir...

I was reading this book called The Zahir- Paulo Coelho. I started reading it as a desperate attempt to read something and also since this was the only option available then. As usual, this book is too philosophical, full of preachings or may be that was my presumption. As I continued reading, I was surprised. The thoughts put down in this very book have shaken me completely. The book has churned out some of my deepest fears, addressed some basic questions about life and love. I completely love it and don't want to forget the thoughts so I have jotted them down here. Here are some of the beautiful thoughts quoted straight from the book.

Zahir, in Arabic means Obsession, a thing, which completely fills your mind, and you cant think of anything but that thing..!!

- In this book, Zahir is the author's wife who goes missing and only when she goes away, he realizes that her thoughts fill up his mind completely.

A few more:

· There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure
· When everyone dreams but only a few realize their dreams that make cowards of us all.
· Live. If you live, God will live with you. If you refuse to run his risks, he’ll retreat to that distant heaven and be merely a subject for philosophical speculation. Everyone knows this, but no one takes the first step, perhaps for fear of being called insane.
· You’re someone who’s different, but who wants to be the same as everyone else. And that, in my view, is a serious illness
· When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
· Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose--and commit myself to--what is best for me
· We all have the ability…we just don't all have the courage to follow our dreams and to follow the signs
· We wouldn't worry nearly as much about what others thought of us if we recognize how seldom they do
· I don’t know what to do. I only know that it’s taken me years to understand that life was pushing me in a direction I didn’t want to go in.
· I don't regret the painful times; I bare my scars as if they were medals
· We are heading towards a point where things are becoming too comfortable, where love stops creating problems and confrontations and becomes instead merely a solution
· Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering
· The universe speaks its own language, the language of signs scattered all around us. We all have the power to read these signs if we look with an open eye and a clear conscience
· That's how love got lost," he said. "When we started laying down rules for when love should or shouldn't appear
· No one is alone during tribulations – there’s always someone else thinking, rejoicing or suffering in the same way. This thought gives us strength to face the challenge that lies in front of us
· We need to forget what we think we are, so that we can really become what we are

About railway tracks:

The author wonders about the distance between the railway tracks and why has it been so... why 143.5? And not some round no. like 150? He comes to know that it has been so since the Romans first made it so coz the distance between the two horses in a carriage was that. .It hasn't changed since!!!
After explaining the reason for the railway tracks to be exactly 143.5 cms apart:

‘..At some point in history, someone turned up and said: when two people get married, they must stay frozen like that for the rest of their lives. You will move along side by side like two tracks, keeping always that same distance apart. Even if sometimes one of you needs to be a little further away or a little closer, that is against the rules. The rules say: be sensible, think of the future, think of your children. You can’t change; you must be like two railway tracks that remain the same distance apart all the way from their point of departure of their destination. The rules don’t allow for love to change, or to grow at the start and diminish halfway through – it’s too dangerous. And so, after the enthusiasm of the first few years, they maintain the same distance, the same solidity, and the same functional nature. Your purpose is to allow the train bearing the survival of the species to head off into the future: your children will only apart. If you’re not happy with something that never changes, think of them, think of the children you brought into the world’

About the question: ‘Why am I unhappy?’:
No one should ever ask themselves that: why am I unhappy? The question carries within it the virus that will destroy everything. If we ask that question, it means we want to find out what makes us happy. If what makes us happy is different from what we have now, then we must either change once and for all or stay as we are, feeling even unhappy.

Why people are sad?
“That’s simple,” says the old man. “They are the prisoners of their personal history. Everyone believes that the main aim in life is to follow a plan. They never ask if that plan is theirs or if it was created by another person. They accumulate experiences, memories, things other people’s ideas, and it is more than they can possibly cope with. And that is why they have their dreams.”

The accommodator:
The accommodator or giving-up point: there is always an event in our lives that is responsible for us failing to progress: a trauma, a particularly bitter defeat, a disappearance in love, even a victory that we did not quite understand, can make cowards of us and prevent us from moving on. As part of the process of increasing his hidden powers, the shaman must first free himself from that giving-up point and, to do so, he must review his whole life and find out where it occurred.

About loneliness:
Needless to say, I had been alone on other occasions during the year. Needless to say, my girlfriend was only two hours away by plane. Needless to say, after a busy day, what could be better than a stroll through the narrow streets and lanes of the old city, without having to talk to anyone, simply enjoying the beauty around me? And yet the feeling that surfaced was one of oppressive, distressing loneliness – not having someone with whom I could share the city, the walk, and the things I’d like to say.
..there is nothing worse than the feeling that no one cares whether we exist or not, that no one is interested in what we have to say about life, and that the world can continue turning without our awkward presence.

About Love:
Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.
This force on earth to make us happy, to bring us closer to God and to our neighbors and yet, given the way that we love now, we enjoy one hour of anxiety for every minute of peace

About friends:
Our true friends are those who are with us when the good things happen. They cheer us on and are pleased by our triumphs. False friends only appear at difficult times, with their sad, supportive faces, when, in fact, our suffering is serving to console them for their miserable lives.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


We had been to Disneyland last month(well, I had written this post long back...). This place has been on my wishlist since long. Yeah, this visit was almost like a dream come true. I was a few years late though. It's a paradise land for kids and the home to the most popular animation characters around the world. We have all grown up watching Disney cartoons and visiting the place of their birth was such a thrill.

The moment you enter Disneyland you are in a whole new world as described by these lines from the song"Aladdin -A whole new world"

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming"

A world of happiness and fantasies, a world with no frowns, no worries and no stress. That's Disneyland for you. It's rightly called as the "Happiest place on the Earth".

We entered the park at around 9:30 am yet couldn't manage to take all the rides, shows and attractions. We took a few rides including Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Carribean, Winnie the Pooh ride. Star Tours and Toy story 2. We wandered through Mickey's toon town where we visited Mickey and Minnie's houses. This felt as though I was a part of an Mickey's animation episode. Next we went to the fantasyland, where you could see all the fairy tales come to life; the Snow White, Pinocchio's Daring Journey,Peter Pan's Flight, Alice in Wonderland....the list is endless.
The park is so vast that we were dead tired by evening. After grabbing a quick bite, we finally managed to secure a good vantage point alongside Snow White's Castle and waited for the fireworks to start. The view was spectacular as the fireworks lit up the sky with the castle in the backdrop and the music score made it alive. The sky looked like a vast black canvas being given life with the plethora of colors and patterns created by the fireworks. It was like gold dust being sprinkled all over the sky studded with vibrant colored shooting stars all around.

In all, the experience was truly memorable.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


It’s been a hectic week. I have been working almost 16 hours a day. So our manager took us out for a Sushi lunch. Sushi!!! Raw fish!! Initially I was a bit apprehensive about it. But going to Sushi bars is kinda "fad" out here in California. Everyone's crazy about Sushi. I really wonder why. So I wanted to give it a try.
Well, the global popularity of Sushi can be attributed to Southern California, as the Sushi Rolls (aka California Rolls - Sushi wrapped inside out) were invented here by chefs in LA tailored to suit the Western palate.

Check out this description of Sushi from the web

Beginning as a method of preserving fish centuries ago, sushi has evolved into an artful, unique dining experience. In its earliest form, dried fish was placed between two pieces of vinegared rice as a way of making it last. The nori (seaweed or algae) was added later as a way to keep one's fingers from getting sticky.
Sushi is 'vinegared rice', but colloquially, the term is used to describe a finger-size piece of raw fish or shellfish on a bed of rice or simply the consumption of raw fish in the Japanese style.

Sounds exciting,ain't it? ;)

We went to this place called "Komu Sushi". The place looked great with an authentic oriental ambience. We then started off looking at the menu. Monkey brain, eels,crabs,octopus.....what an diversified menu. After around 20-25 minutes of scanning through the entire menu several times, the only item I could order was Lemonade!!

Another 10 mins and we finally ordered appetizers.

Mixed Veg Tempura. Translation: Oily Vegetable Pakoras minus Spices

Tofu salad with loads of leafy vegetables which looked and even tasted like weeds....

Miso soup Miso paste (fermented rice/barley with salt and fungi) with dashi stock (commonly made of niboshi (dried baby sardines), kombu (dried kelp), katsuobushi (thin shavings of dried and smoked bonito, aka skipjack tuna), or hoshi-shiitake (dried shiitake mushrooms))

I somehow gathered all my courage to eat that soup. Thank God! I did not know all these ingredients before having it. The soup is supposed to be consumed straight out of the bowl without a spoon! I closed my eyes and tried the soup. It wasn't that bad.

Next in line were the Sushi Rolls... There were 3 kinds: Avocado,shrimp and tuna. The Sushi Rolls look very artistic. The Avocado ones were for my veggie friend. So I had no option but to try the raw fish. Sushi Rolls are generally eaten with Wasabi, ginger and soy sauce. Now, Wasabi is another one of its kind experience. It's made of some root and is extremely spicy. A tiny portion of Wasabi can send shocks to your entire body and there will be uncontrollable tears rolling down your eyes. It’s fun watching people have it for the first time.
I suddenly realized everyone's looking at me waiting for me to start. I had escape from here. So I picked up my chopsticks. Eating with chopsticks is another struggle altogether. I somehow managed to pick one and gulped it down quickly. To my relief, this wasn't so bad either. I finally managed to eat it all.

We then ordered some Green Tea ice-cream for dessert which was yummy. In all it was a different experience and trying Sushi is off my wish list.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Malibu Beach

Malibu beach pics - courtesy Flickr

Finally a weekend; seems like eternity since I have had one of those. Feels like such a luxury. It was one of my friend’s birthday and a perfect excuse to venture out. So we rented a car and set out for the day.
We went to a lot of places: Malibu beach, Santa Monica and LA Downtown. But I loved Malibu the best. It’s such a beautiful place. Protected with vast mountain ranges, the Malibu beach is picturesque and perfect. Now a home to a lot of Hollywood celebs, Malibu was once a private property. Can you imagine that? What must it feel to own those 27 miles of pristine beach flanked with Golden mountain ranges just alongside the Pacific Coast Highway!
We reached the beach just before sunset. The sunset at Malibu is the best I have ever witnessed. Next, we went to the famous Malibu Pier. This was one of the best moments of the day. The Pier lit with golden lights looked like a glittering crown on the otherwise dark Pacific. It was perfect. The vast raging ocean, the soft harmony created by the waves and the playful wind, the silver reflections of the moon casted on the water, the golden reflections like fireworks in water from the Street lights, a trace of soft music from the cafe nearby and absolutely no-one around. I was instantly carried away into a trance by the sinful ambience.
Not for long; just then a friend shook me to reality. It was time to hit the next destination and we had to leave the place. But I can still remember the charisma of that moment.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Work,work and work.........

Phewww!!! I have been working the entire weekend....Gosh! I feel so exhausted...mentally and physically too. It has been such a long week. So much work, so much of much stress. I have almost lost touch with my life. Hope it gets over soon. Hope it goes well.

Sometimes little things can work wonders. Today was another exhausting day at work. Left office by 7:30 pm. The entire weekend had gone by and another hectic week was about to start. I was already feeling sick. Just then, some of my friends called up and all of us met at a cafe nearby. We chatted and chatted until the cafe was about to close for the day. And guess what, I was recharged within no time. Its amusing how little things can make such a difference. Well, there was coffee too; which works wonders with my mood anyway.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


What is a friend?

Friends!! " Friends are the mirror reflecting the truth of what we are"

Yes, friends are such a important part of one's life. Having a friend along, makes the most difficult tasks simple. Good friends are the greatest gifts life can endow upon us.

I have to say, I have been really lucky enough to have great friends since childhood. Growing up with them, sharing every small thing, cribbing about petty things, the crazy night outs, wandering around aimlessly, teasing each other and all that fun. In all having someone around whenever you need them, or even when you don't. 

As the song from Dostana goes...........

 "Jaane kyun Dil jaanta hai, tu hai toh I'll be alright"

The most cumbersome tasks & the most awkward situations seem so simple when a friend is around. Yes, that's the strength friendship possesses

This post is dedicated to all my friends who have made me what I am today. Thanks for being there. Life wouldn't have been the same without you guys.


Welcome to Blogosphere!

Life is a gift........Live it...Cherish it..........Now!! Live every moment of your life to the fullest..........This is what I truly believe......

"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." - Mark Twain